Without a doubt, the human spine is the most reliable part of the skeleton, but it is also the most vulnerable to degenerative diseases due to repeated physical exertion. Nearly one in five of Earth's inhabitants between the ages of 18 and 40 suffers from back pain.
This symptom is often ignored and does not cause any serious concern, which leads to the spread of the pathological process to the entire spine. Osteochondrosis is a possible cause of pain and other unpleasant symptoms associated with the back.
The concept of disease and the process of its appearance.
A disease in which degenerative damage to the intervertebral discs and hardening of the cartilage occurs, leading to a decrease in a person's performance, is called osteochondrosis. Pathology exclusively affects the skeleton of the spine, but a gradual change in its height and deformation can adversely affect the work of internal organs and body systems.
The pathogenesis of the development of the disease is associated with the structure of the spine, which is designed to absorb when loaded. The intervertebral discs that connect 33 to 35 vertebrae in humans consist of a central nucleus and surrounding fibrous tissue. It is they who serve as a reliable and strong support for the spinal skeleton when moderate physical stress occurs.
With the development of the pathological process, damage occurs to the connective tissue and the central nucleus of the intervertebral discs, which leads to a loss of their elasticity, elasticity and strength. The disc literally collapses and warps, contributing to the curvature of the spine and the growth of sharp bony bumps. Against the background of the disease, there is a change in the structure of the vertebrae themselves, which become thinner and ossified.
Osteochondrosis of the spine is often mistaken for a natural "wear and tear" of the skeleton. However, pathological changes can be slowed down or accelerated, allowing us to consider this condition as a real disease, leading to unpleasant complications.
Reasons for the development of osteochondrosis and risk factors.
A very common symptom with changes in the intervertebral discs is pain. Patients begin to feel it already at the age of 16-20 years, but turn to doctors for help around 40 years. The reasons for the early onset of the disease are flat feet, poor physical shape, poor posture or being overweight. Modern adolescents lead a sedentary lifestyle, which also negatively affects the stability of the spine.
The following factors also contribute to the development of the disease:
- get older;
- obesity;
- spinal injuries (fractures, bruises);
- excessive physical activity;
- metabolic disorders in the body;
- hereditary predisposition;
- unfavorable environmental conditions;
- sedentary lifestyle;
- Stressful situations and the presence of bad habits.
People who strain the spine, remain in a standing (sitting) position for a long time, or abruptly stop regular training are at risk for the disease. The risk group also includes pregnant women, women who abuse high heels and uncomfortable shoes.
Types and degrees of the disease.
Osteochondrosis is a headache in modern medicine, because a common diagnosis often becomes a sentence for patients. Timely detected pathology leads to advanced forms of the pathological process. Slowly but inevitably, a person approaches disability.
Doctors distinguish several types of diseases, depending on the location of the injury:
- cervical;
- chest;
- cervicothoracic;
- lumbosacral

There is also a concept such as polysegmental osteochondrosis, which is characterized by the development of a pathological condition in several segments of the spine at the same time. A dangerous manifestation of this type of disease is compression of the nerve endings and blood vessels in the back very close to the brain.
Pain syndrome is the most common symptom of an extraordinary injury that can disrupt not only motor functions, but also a person's speech.
In medicine, osteochondrosis is also classified according to the degrees of development:
- osteochondrosis of the first degree (the presence of sudden pain similar to an electric shock);
- osteochondrosis of the second degree (irritation of the elements of the peripheral nervous system occurs);
- osteochondrosis of the third degree (formation of a herniated intervertebral disc);
- osteochondrosis of the fourth degree (development of spondyloarthrosis and ischemia of the spinal cord).
The fourth stage of the disease is called restorative, since it is a consequence of the treatment of emerging intervertebral hernias. During this period, spondylolisthesis, characterized by slipping of the vertebrae, is often observed.
How and what hurts with osteochondrosis?
Osteochondrosis of the spine is not a simple disease and can be disguised as other pathological processes that have nothing to do with the bone skeleton. Annoying pain in the back area is not considered by people as of great importance and is attributed to physical fatigue after a hard day at work.
However, even the slightest discomfort or stiffness of the spinal muscles, which are the first "bells" of the disease, should alert and become a reason for consultation with a specialist.
Clinically, osteochondrosis manifests itself in a variety of symptoms, which depend on the location of the pathological process. If there is an injury to the cervical spine, the following symptoms occur:
- Pain in the neck;
- compressive headache;
- numbness of the fingers;
- limitation of mobility of the cervical spine;
- sore shoulder pain;
- creaking when turning the head.
If thoracic osteochondrosis develops, pain is visible in the interscapular space and in the chest itself. Patients also complain of pain in the heart region, compression between the shoulder blades, and discomfort that mimics damage to the intestines, stomach, or gallbladder.
With the defeat of the lumbar spine, the symptoms are completely different. The pain is mainly localized in the lower back and legs, causing severe muscle spasm. There is limited mobility of the lumbar spine, numbness and tingling in the lower extremities, disturbances in the functioning of the pelvic organs. Difficulties appear in flexion and extension of the back, due to the stiffness and limited mobility of the lumbar area.
Rare-onset polysegmental osteochondrosis is characterized by the appearance of only those symptoms in which the spine is affected. Shooting pain, decreased range of motion, pain in limbs, muscle spasm - all of these signs are common in different parts of the spine.
The pain in most cases is caused by excessive and sharp loads on the spine, for example, lifting weights or staying in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Sometimes even coughing and sneezing can increase the pain.
If the diagnosis was confirmed, how to live
Today, spinal osteochondrosis, although a common diagnosis, is not fatal. The main thing is that the cause that led to the development of the disease is eliminated and productive treatment is started in a timely manner. A lot of importance is also attached to the preventive measures that are carried out to prevent relapse of the disease.
To beat osteochondrosis, it is necessary to prescribe complex therapy, which includes:
- drug use;
- spinal traction;
- massage;
- Exercise therapy;
- Physiotherapy;
- acupuncture;
- manual therapy;
- surgical intervention (if indicated).
Each patient should be assigned an individual course of treatment, depending on the form and degree of the spinal injury. To begin with, doctors must stop the process of destruction of the intervertebral discs caused by inflammation of the tissues.
After that, a method is selected to restore and strengthen the muscles of the back, which should support the spine in the required position. Such a complex treatment allows you to achieve a highly effective result without the use of surgical intervention.
Recommendations to prevent diseases
Preventive measures should always come first to maintain the health of the body. Since osteochondrosis occurs mainly due to increased pressure on the intervertebral discs, it is necessary to prevent the development of such a condition.
First of all, it is recommended to avoid overloading the spine caused by a sedentary lifestyle, sudden jumps and lifting weights with arms outstretched. It is very important to preserve the natural physiological curves of the spine, which are formed from childhood.
Maintaining the posture is a common and necessary life principle of all people, regardless of age and gender.
Everyday sports are great for strengthening the muscle corset, because osteochondrosis rarely affects physically hardened and developed people. All exercises should be done to the best of their ability and serve to support the spine.